Our book drive was a success Alhamdullah! We raised over $315 Mashallah. Our classes are now filled with fiction, non-fiction,…
Category: News
School news is published here.
Graduation Picture Day
Graduation Picture Day has been moved to Friday, April 1st, 2016. Graduation Pictures for Senior Kindergarten, grade 6 and 8.…
February 22nd, 2016 Assalamu Alaikum. Dear Parents, We will be having our annual bake sales, beginning on February 29th, 2016.…
Library Trip Visits
The students will be going on a library visit next week. Please make sure your child has their library card…
School Policies
Friday, February 12th, 2016 Dear Parents, Some school policies that have been in effect and need to be followed: Students…
EQAO Mid-May 2016
Assalamu Alaikum! Dear Parents: Please be informed that all Ontario students in grades 3 and 6 will be undergoing the…
JK/SK Library Visit
The JK and SK class will be going to the library for a group session on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016.
Donate a Toonie for our Book Drive
Assalamualikum Parents, Um Al-Qura is having book drive for the students to have more books at school. You can help…
Exam Schedule for Grades 1 – 8
Assalamualikum! Hope you’re all doing well. The exams will be on the week of Jan 25 – 29th, 2016. Please…
Back to School Jan 4
Dear Parents, Hope you had a wonderful holiday! We’re glad to be back at school. Just a reminder please make…